10/31/2003 09:14:00 PM|W|P|projectpeace|W|P|These are letters written to ENCOD and DPFIC
in a global thought for peace,
Sadly True, what you write. America's economy has grown like a cancer to infect the planet at the
most fundamental level. Predominant values in the U.S. that to a growing extent, govern social
evolution globally, are clearly manipulated by a corrupt and immoral dynamic. This was the result
of mankind's poor choices for toxic, unsustainable production of expensive, unevenly distributed
energy, made generations ago by powerful economic entities who have only gotten richer and more
manipulative since.
Prohibition is closely associated brute manipulation by the same forces to achieve several
profitable effects. The predatory government that is employed by this force is empowered by the
values we all support through our purchaes and our decision to pay taxes or not. It makes life
difficult for everyone except the privileged, powerful and self-interested few who own and control
most of the world's resources. Six out of the top ten are Americans. Majority rules.
Someday our chosen sources of energy will run out. We live in a condition of self-imposed economic
scarcity, fundamentally disruptive to the entire planet. The Natural Order has evolved the most
significant set of laws over the longest span of time, and our economics sytem is antagonistic
toward the truly dominant and abiding paradigm.
That's one reason why the rich economic entities will always seek to get richer. Alternatives are
inevitable, but it's important to squeeze out every drop of profit to maximize investent already
made in an ultimately losing game. If you can come up with another scam, like nuclear energy, then
your back in business -- as long as the competition can't communicate!
I think a solution worth considering is a matter of coordinating solutions-oriented, individual,
social consciousness toward the most fundamental change of values. We all agree that teachers are
more essential to evolution of a peaceful society than prison guards, but our economic profile
doesn't reflect that. When's the last time anybody bought stock in a college with other than
philanthropic intentions? It's easy to express the process of change in this relationship that
exists, using a physical metaphor, because it really is all about redirection of energy.
A martial artist's speed and agility always wins over brut force and size. What changes is the
direction and momentum of energy, eventually determining critical balance.
Relatively recently, humankind's global society evolved in a critically determinate way. With the
rapid increase in peaceful people's ability to communicate globally instantaneously,
electronically, suddenly the "hundred monkeys" can compare notes! Redirection of values is a
mental shift, not a finacial one.
Balancing of social energy is within many more individual's reach, but there's a lag time in our
perception of what it really means. We're in the phase of learning to ride a bicycle where you
fall off a lot and sometimes it just doesn't seem like you're ever going to learn and is it really
worth it...? Then you learn and you're free...
That's how I envision peaceful, rational change to happen. People like you all & me sit & talk &
find out that we agree on all the Natural Laws. Like the "self-evident" right to farm. I mean how
obvious is that?
And how much damage is done by man's "laws" that induce essential resource scarcity? And justify
chemical warfare against defenseless populations of otherwise peaceful farmers? And implant a
franchised prison industry into the economics of our cultures, economically addicted to harvesting
people who value plants over chemicals. Morals and civil liberties are successively suspended and
legislatively perverted to raise profits.
Endless growth in the Economics of Punishment requires an endless crop of "drug abusers" to fill
$30,000 per year rooms at the "Hard Time Hotel", or bloat defnse budgets with people stuck in a
foreign land wearing too much heavy gear and getting killed by people they might find much more in
common with if they got a chance to talk with them instead of having to shoot them.
Take heart. Accept that there is a process in motion, some limits to what any of us can do
individually, and trust that others are doing everything they can too. Eventually it will be
enough, or perhaps not. In Nature, it's not about winning. Winning is static, which Nature never
I believe that it's about balance, the ebb and flow. We're all in the same flow now. Perfect in
our imperfections, a privelege to share energy with like-minded heartful creatures.
There is no global or local. With humankind's ability to communicate electronically,
instantaneously (and translate) we are as close to a homogenous global culture/organism as we
humans have ever been.
Because of the nature of social change it is likely that the greatest effect for the benefit of
the majority will always come from the grassroots, beginning at the "local" level. The inertia of
those changes is effected exponentially by our accelerating ability to communicate more and more
This means that local evolution has a much greater effect on global changes. It's all connected
energy in some form, and whether meditated in the quiet of your room, or in a mass of people
expressing rational, non-violent solidarity, face-to-face with The Beast itself, it is comforting
to remember that in the end, we are all One.
Now we just need to think and act like One. That's what technology is for, and communications
technology and talent is what money can buy.
I and others have written before of the need for coordination of a global conference, coordinating
every available means of communication to convene a real time, rotating inter-continental
"conference call" or "town hall meeting" or "extended global meditation to consensus" or what
ever you want to to call it. If TV shows about other less important topics can be employed to
suspend society's sense of what is real, as so often happens, then at some point, mankind must
realize that there are critical, fundamental realities at stake.
At that point we will have matured as a species into the proper use of our technological wizardry,
and use it as much to govern in an efficient way, as well as for mere entertainment. This is the
most proximate avenue for achieving rational consensus in the shortest span of time. Given the
moves being made to control the media, we are fortunate to still be able to communicate as
fluidly as we still do. It is important to remember that this could change, unless it is employed
in the common good. "Use it or lose it" is the operative expression.
Filmed, broadcast, and set-up to receive real-time input by phone, fax, and e-mail, over several
weeks time, if necessary. A rotating panel of experts from all relevant fields (ie. environment,
agriculture, nutrition, therapy, economics, social studies, etc...) would present testimony with
the purpose of achieving global consensus on the issue of how to manage drugs.
It isn't possible for our species to have a sustainable, balanced relationship with drugs, as long
as radical imbalances in other aspects of our society are so extremely perverted. Economics has
the greatest effect on harm reduction, particularly as it relates to disempowerment of the black
market and corruption.
To make things more interesting, issues of essential resource scarcity and abundance in food
security, industry, and efficiency are oddly related to drugs here because of the common thread
that leads unavoidably to Cannabis, the most nutritious and useful plant there is.
I have written before about the power of digital video, so I'll spare you all, but it is worth
mentioning the cost-effectiveness of it and the necessity of repetition to steer the process.
|W|P|106767911552845825|W|P||W|P|projectpeace@gmail.com10/31/2003 09:14:00 PM|W|P|projectpeace|W|P|There is no global or local. With humankind's ability to communicate electronically,
instantaneously (and translate) we are as close to a homogenous global culture/organism as we
humans have ever been.
Because of the nature of social change it is likely that the greatest effect for the benefit of
the majority will always come from the grassroots, beginning at the "local" level. The inertia of
those changes is effected exponentially by our accelerating ability to communicate more and more
This means that local evolution has a much greater effect on global changes. It's all connected
energy in some form, and whether meditated in the quiet of your room, or in a mass of people
expressing rational, non-violent solidarity, face-to-face with The Beast itself, it is comforting
to remember that in the end, we are all One.
Now we just need to think and act like One. That's what technology is for, and communications
technology and talent is what money can buy.
I and others have written before of the need for coordination of a global conference, coordinating
every available means of communication to convene a real time, rotating inter-continental
"conference call" or "town hall meeting" or "extended global meditation to consensus" or what
ever you want to to call it. If TV shows about other less important topics can be employed to
suspend society's sense of what is real, as so often happens, then at some point, mankind must
realize that there are critical, fundamental realities at stake.
At that point we will have matured as a species into the proper use of our technological wizardry,
and use it as much to govern in an efficient way, as well as for mere entertainment. This is the
most proximate avenue for achieving rational consensus in the shortest span of time. Given the
moves being made to control the media, we are fortunate to still be able to communicate as
fluidly as we still do. It is important to remember that this could change, unless it is employed
in the common good. "Use it or lose it" is the operative expression.
Filmed, broadcast, and set-up to receive real-time input by phone, fax, and e-mail, over several
weeks time, if necessary. A rotating panel of experts from all relevant fields (ie. environment,
agriculture, nutrition, therapy, economics, social studies, etc...) would present testimony with
the purpose of achieving global consensus on the issue of how to manage drugs.
It isn't possible for our species to have a sustainable, balanced relationship with drugs, as long
as radical imbalances in other aspects of our society are so extremely perverted. Economics has
the greatest effect on harm reduction, particularly as it relates to disempowerment of the black
market and corruption.
To make things more interesting, issues of essential resource scarcity and abundance in food
security, industry, and efficiency are oddly related to drugs here because of the common thread
that leads unavoidably to Cannabis, the most nutritious and useful plant there is.
I have written before about the power of digital video, so I'll spare you all, but it is worth
mentioning the cost-effectiveness of it and the necessity of repetition to steer the process.
|W|P|106766391928048056|W|P||W|P|projectpeace@gmail.com10/31/2003 01:42:00 AM|W|P|projectpeace|W|P|Conscious Evolution
Of Herbs & Drugs
If Earth is to survive, humankind must revaluate, soon.
Issue Being Addressed
The relevance of Natural Laws to Harm Reduction.
The Declaration of Independence: A Transcription
IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain [Note: President of the United States] is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world."
(End of Document)
The "self-evident", Natural right to farm is critical to effecting harm reduction. When constrictions are imposed on people's access to essential Natural resources, including therapeutic plants, tragic imbalances result.
Historical and comparative-
Prohibition's Corrupt and Bloody History
The behaviorally predictable Economics Of Prohibition and devolution through the Economics of Punishment.
Current statistical data proving harm reduction in tolerant societies Holland, Switzerland, etc.
Ethology: The "Forbidden fruit" effect
Drug Abuse as an avenue for rebellion in adolescents
Drug use as a retro-adolescent behavior in adults
Nature thwarts the black market through adaptability and ready abundance.
Cannabis is useful as an industrial feedstock, presenting opportunity for sustainable regional dynamics.
Global essential resource abundance and the freedom to farm, will have the greatest influence on abuse of drugs.
Key Points
Prohibition imposes essential resource scarcity, warping social evolution at several levels of human society; including economic disparity, black market economics, gangs, increasing violence, individual disempowerment
Black Market - Corruption of economic, social, political values and institutions
Economics of punishment - Institutionalized Predation
Vision for a sustainable future: The Economics of Abundance, Dolphin Economics, Lessons of the Masters
The Drug War engenders the black market, corrupts human values from the highest to the lowest levels of society,
creates economic dynamics favoring franchised incarceration, and the industries of war.
Agricultural freedom provides society with safe, therapeutic herbs that thwart corporate control, redistributes sustainable wealth and disempowers the black markets.